Minyan Update

NAM will be having weekly outdoor Shabbos morning minyan in the Rabbi’s driveway (85 Wallingford Rd, Brighton, MA 02135). Minyan will start at 8:30 AM. Each week we will be sending out a sign up form to ensure that we will have a minyan and for contact tracing. There will be no Kiddush at minyan. We ask that everyone follow the guidelines listed below:

  • If you have any cold or flu like symptoms (or have been exposed to someone who did within the last two weeks) please do not come to minyan.
  • Everyone must wear a mask at all times.
  • Social distancing of 6 feet must always be kept (except between members of the same household).
  • Everyone must bring their own siddur and chumash.
  • Older members and those with any chronic medical conditions should consult with their doctor before attending minyan.
  • Children who are young enough to stay in their strollers for the entire service may be brought to minyan. Otherwise, we ask that no children below age 11 attend services.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Rabbi Benmergui at Rabbi@newashkenazminyan.org.